
segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2015

O bruxo nem processa e nem responde. Machão? Só contra o Poeta e Ateu...

Contra os fortes, se faz de coitadinho ou dá as costas. 
Contra crias de urso e o Poeta e Ateu, é só ferocidade.

O bruxo sabe que o apanhamos, e sabe que já não dá para nos calar ou intimidar. Como já afirmei aqui, não estou minimamente preocupado com o que vai acontecer comigo, ou até mesmo com a minha família. Quando vamos para a guerra, devemos estar preparados para tudo, e sei que lido com covardes capazes de mandarem alguém fazer o serviço sujo deles. Porém, para além da honra, há algo ainda mais importante: o dever. Olavo de Carvalho, para além de ser um traidor da pátria que em nada fica a dever aos seus irmãos gémeos à esquerda, está envolvido com um plano de infiltração da Igreja Católica cujo objectivo faz todo o resto da sua acção parecer irrelevante. Urge denunciar o tal plano, no qual o Sr. Carvalho se inseriu acidentalmente e do qual é uma figurinha menor, e que apenas graças à burrice desse anormal foi descoberto por nós. E é assim que esse palerma ficará conhecido na história: o caipira que tomou conhecimento de um plano magnífico por sacrificar galinhas e gatos como ninguém e depois o expôs por burrice a vaidade.  Seus superiores ficarão muito chateados...

Só resta ao cavalheiro fazer as suas preces e sacrifícios e torcer para que nós nos calemos. Enquanto isso, tenta reduzir danos fazendo de conta que nada se passa, apesar de ser bombardeado com dezenas, ou talvez centenas, de perguntas em relação ao que divulgamos. Temos gente acompanhando os movimentos do bruxo e sabemos que muitos até têm feito perguntas em público, mas é tudo apagado. Mas tratamos de contornar a situação pois temos uma equipe reduzida, mas de gente com grande capacidade de trabalho e muito engenho. Olavo utiliza agora a técnica da espiral do silêncio, técnica que ele próprio atribui à imprensa esquerdista, contra a verdade que deseja esconder. Enquanto segue nesse fingimento, como se nada se passasse e achando que vai fugir como fez até hoje com sucesso, se contradiz nas próprias acções. Enquanto simula ignorar nossos ataques recentes, que são muito graves, ameaça-nos com um processo e responde aos ataques inócuos do professor Villa, que deveria ter lido com mais atenção o que o Caio Rossi tem escrito (e foi muito deselegante fingir que não obteve a informação lendo um post do Caio no Pérolas da Nova Direita que saiu poucos dias antes do seu primeiro artigo contra o bruxo), e ainda perde tempo com o Poeta e Ateu.

5 comentários:

  1. Quem é pior, o Sidi ou o Poeta e Ateu ???

  2. The Elite( jew) Declared War Against Us. They Expect #Resistance.

    Posted on May 11, 2015 by horse237 https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/

    The #elites have been at war with #America all my life. I can remember in high school reading a Foundation study saying we needed to cut world population to a billion or so people. There have been hundreds of studies since which also concluded billions of people like you and me should stop breathing.

    I think I am justified to conclude that anyone who wants to kill 6 billion people has declared war against us.

    I have decided to write this essay based on an article by Brandon Smith which appeared at Zero Hedge. It included a talk given by Max Boot on insurgencies. It seems the rich and powerful are worried that the 5 or 6 #billion who are supposed to die to benefit the Uber Rich might object to decisions made concerning their early demise.

    Smith specifically mentioned the US Army exercise Jade Helm which is using resources from the FBI and the DEA. This is clearly not an exercise designed to train US troops for battle in Iraq or Iran. He thinks the billionaires are preparing to defend their position because they know we are near an economic collapse.

    I have said that the Mossad has put forward two publicity campaigns to explain to American Christians that an economic collapse in September of 2015 and even a war were the Will of God and not caused either by the gross criminality of Bankers or by Israeli Warhawks.

    #China has decided to apply to the IMF to add the yuan to the SDR basket of currencies. America depends on its ability to print the world’s reserve currency to feed itself. Wall Street has stolen everything so when we lose our reserve currency status 80% of Americans will be reduced to abject poverty. That is unless we reform the system.

    There is so much corruption in our government that Bankers have been allowed to steal money by the tens of trillions of dollars and yet not one man from Wall Street has seen the inside of a jail. But then the Chinese are doing the same. The wealthy of China created nearly a trillion a year in false invoices to get money out of the country. They do have $4 trillion in British banks in the Caribbean. Asia Times magazine says the Banks launder at least $200 billion a year in bribes for Chinese officials.

    My previous essay explored that relationship between the elite in America and China. I concluded that a threatened Thermonuclear involving the US, China and Russia could be used to keep the exploited citizens of those nations in line after their economies collapse more devastatingly than during the Great Depression.

    Max Boot is an adviser to the Defense Department on insurgencies. His advice is well heeded by the elite. They need to control the flow of information to prevent Americans from resisting. Boot thinks American won the Revolutionary war because British public opinion turned against the war and its costs. Americans did make more money than did British workmen. But he thinks that the British could have won if they had waged war like the Romans did against Spartacus. Crucify a few thousand rebels. Only a minority of the colonials supported the revolt anyway.

  3. Max Boot does not understand America. He was born in Moscow. He was raised in Los Angeles in a Jewish family and attended America’s best universities. But he actually thinks crucifying Americans could work. American Christians would seriously object to crucifixion. If he tried that today, he would not be able to count the number of bullets in the bodies of the men who followed his orders. American cops fired 137 bullets into the bodies of one unarmed couple in a car.

    Boot thinks torturing resistance leaders is fine as long as the general public does not get wind of it. He likes the British Malay model. Put the people in concentration camps and cut off their contact with the rebels.

    He can monitor us 24/7 with NSA snooping. But that is only good in the initial stages. It intimidates the timid. It also identifies the opposition. The #government knows who does not like them. During the Bush administration, they compiled a list of 8 million people to be ‘Disappeared’ in case of national emergency. There are by now probably many more than that on their ‘To Be Disappeared List’. The problem is that Wall Street’s Minions in DC cannot go into full combat mode against 8 to 10 million people. If they want to ‘Disappear’ 10 million Americans, 20 or 30 million will think they are coming for them because there is no way to know you are not on the ‘Kill list.’ Millions of Americans will grab their guns and shoot the men seeking to do them harm. On Day 2 they will seek vengeance against those who gave the orders. The Resistance will probably cut all electricity going into Washington DC before Day 3 is over. It will not be a pretty sight.

    Boot said they should use Special Forces to target specific men in the armed rebellion as the British did in Malay in the 1950s. The US has 25,000 Special Ops soldier. One problem is that even if he can get 50,000 soldiers to go out and grab 10,000 Americans a day, how many days would it take to grab 10 million people? And how many men would come back alive after Day One and then Day Two and Three.

    Another problem is that Boot currently has no armed #rebellion so what will he do? He could blow something up like the Israelis and the US government did on 911 at the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon. But people are already having trouble believing the lies they are told.

    Boot also said the British succeeded by making promises of independence and reform to the people of Malay. That definitely can’t happen here. The Bankers control the government and stole money from us by the tens of trillions. They will not voluntarily go to jail and surrender the tens of trillions of dollars they stole from us. Nor will they surrender the right to charge us interest on the money they created out of nothing. And they cannot stop their attacks against the Bill of Rights.

    Max Boot, Wall Street and Israel can never offer reform.

    Brandon Smith thinks they would use Bio metric IDs to control our movements in isolated cities. That would restrict travel and be bad for business and tourism. Smith cited the example of the G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh which used an overwhelming show of force. They had 4,000 cops shut down the city center and allowed access through one street only. What Smith does not say is that the thug cops went to a park and found non-protesting civilians and quite a few students. They cordoned off the innocent and sent in the riot cops to beat people up. That will not fly. People in America are armed. If the mayors and governors do not listen, then someone will start shooting at them and at anyone who orders the cops to round them up and ‘Disappear’ them.

  4. Bom dia.
    Vocês estão sempre falando de sacrifício de animais. Existe alguma prova especificamente desse fato?

  5. Um colega me contou que depois de ter feito a inscrição no seminario de filosofia do sr olavo, o computador dele começava a travar sempre que ele ia ler alguns textos daquele seminario. pensou que se tratava de defeito do mouse ou do teclado, mas depois tudo voltava ao normal. eu disse ao meu amigo que isso se parecia com um ataque remoto. esse pessoal deve violar as regras legais e invadir o computador de todos.

    gostaria de pedir, se for possível, um esclarecimento: do que se trata este plano magnífico que o olavo ficou sabendo por acidente? isso é sigiloso ou tem como falar ao menos veladamente?
